Entering Exhibits at the Fair
► PLEASE NOTE: All exhibitors must pay gate admission of $15.00 if entering after posted gate opening times.
Before entering exhibits, each exhibitor must fill out an Exhibitor Registration Form and will receive ONE Exhibitor Number. This number MUST be used to register ALL exhibits, including those in the flower show and vegetable/crop displays.
These numbers will be issued in the Open Class Exhibit Hall. Please give complete address when filling out the forms.
PLEASE NOTE: 4-H Members have their own 4-H Exhibitor Number that are displayed on a membership card that is given to them prior to the fair. 4-H Members should use this number, even for Open Classes INCLUDING THE FLOWER SHOW, and SHOULD NOT get an Open Exhibitor Number.
► All exhibits entered on SUNDAY will be entered from 2:00-5:00 pm.
RELEASE OF EXHIBITS: All exhibits will be released on Sunday, June 30 between 2:00—4:00 pm. There will be no exceptions. Exhibits MUST be picked up at this time as there will be no staff at the Fairgrounds to release exhibits after Sunday.
- If you cannot pick up your exhibit, make arrangements for someone else to pick it up. Please keep exhibit tags that are issued when entering as these will be used in claiming exhibits.
- Fruit & Vegetable entries not picked up by 4:00 pm will be discarded.
PREMIUMS: Premiums will be paid by the Boone County Fair on Sunday, June 30, between 2:00—4:00 pm in the Lents Bldg. Any premium check not cashed within sixty (60) days will be forfeited to the Boone County Fair. Any discrepancy in premiums should be directed to the Extension Service (859-586-6101) on or after Monday, July 1 between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.
What | When | Where |
Boone County Homemakers | Sun, June 23 2:00-5:00pm |
Lutes Floral Hall |
Open Heritage Skills | Sun, June 23 2:00-5:00pm |
Lutes Floral Hall |
Open to the World: Art, Photography, Hobbies, Needlework, Foods, etc. | Sun, June 23 2:00-5:00pm |
Open Class Exhibit Hall |
FFA | Sun, June 23 | Vegetable & Crops Exhibit Hall |
Crops & Honey (Open) | Sun, June 23 | Vegetable & Crops Exhibit Hall |
Fruits & Vegetables (Open) | Sun, June 23 | Vegetable & Crops Exhibit Hall |
ALL 4-H Exhibits: Cloverville, Crops, Honey, Fruits & Vegetables, Country Hams |
Mon, June 24 9:00am-1:00pm |
Lutes Floral Hall (Only 4-H Entries will be taken on Monday) |
Open Flower Show | Thurs, June 27 8:00-11:30am |
Lutes Floral Hall |